Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Bob is a stunning little Eurasian kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, the most common species of falcon in the UK that have the incredible ability to hover in the air whilst their head remains completely still whilst hunting. When Bob reaches maturity he will sport the typical grey head and grey tail of the males.
Despite being the most common of British falcons, they are unfortunately Amber listed which means they are of conservation concern in the UK due to their gradual decline. We are not quite sure exactly why this is, but it may be linked with environmental change affecting their food supply as well as habitat loss and loss of nesting sites. Bob was bred in captivity and hatched on 8th July 2022 at the British Bird of Prey Centre in Wales. Bob comes from very unique circumstances as he was actually hatched and reared by a different species - Eurasian hobby's. The hobby's had unfortunately not succeeded with their eggs yet were still going through the motions of incubating them, so they were given a kestrel egg which they successfully hatched and reared. Bob was only 9 weeks old when we collected him having never seen human's before, but he settled in very quickly and within a few days learnt to trust and even enjoy being with people. He's absolutely bomb proof and so far has shown no fears - he's fine with all people, other animals, machinery, vehicles etc. which means he's very reliable when flying free and always returns to his handler for his lunch and a safe place to rest. Bob spends his nights sleeping in his mews, then comes out during the day to "weather" on the lawn, meaning he sits on his perch to access the sunlight and enjoy his surroundings. He is then flown free every day weather permitting. He is fed on a varied diet of whole prey items including chicks, mice, quail and rats. Bob really enjoys spending time with his handler and will happily rest indoors looking very fluffy and happy! He's a very sweet and cheeky character loved by everyone. |